repair damages by water leaks
repair damages by water leaks

Things to Do When Your Roof Leaks

Roof leaks are a common occurrence in homes with roofs that are older than 15 years. It’s also common in areas like Central Florida where hurricanes and storms with high wind and rain happen a lot. These types of storms that cause damage to homes and roofs are the most common causes of roof leaks.

To find and fix a roof leak, you may need to call the professionals. As soon as you notice that your home has a leaky roof, you want to repair it as soon as possible. Leaving a water leak in your ceiling can cause more damage to your home.

Regular roof inspections can prevent further damage from happening to your roof. If you have any questions about roof repair or any other roofing services, give us a call. Residential Roofing Depot is the best roofing company in and near Lakeland!

The Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

As a professional roofing company, we have seen a lot of roof leaks. Some situations are not as common as others, but there are a few situations that we see over and over when we fix a leaky roof. When we do our inspection, there are a few things we look for to determine the cause of the leak. Determining the cause of the leak is important to the repair process.

Loose Shingles or Roofing

This is one of the first things we look for when determining the cause of roof leaks. Loose shingles or other roofing (i.e. metal sheets) can definitely cause roof leaks. Luckily, this is a pretty easy fix. Depending on the extent of the damage, it should be as simple as replacing the shingles or re-cementing them to the roof.

Holes or Cracking in Roofing

Holes and cracks in your shingles or roofing can also cause a roof leak. This is another common cause that we see. Especially because you may not even know that you have holes or cracks in your shingles. This is why it’s important to get regular roof inspections and maintenance. Your roofer can check for holes, cracks and other damage before they get to be a bigger problem.

Heavy Wind and Rain Damage

Heavy wind and rain from hurricanes and other storms can cause damage and leaky roofs. Roof leaks in heavy rain are a common issue that we see here in Lakeland. Usually the wind causes damage and the rain causes leaks. The rain can get in through cracks in your roofing or siding of your home.

Poor Roof Craftsmanship

Poor craftsmanship isn’t something that most people think about when they get their roof repaired or replaced. We expect high quality work from the people we hire. And it’s not always clear right away that there has been poor roof work.

If you’ve recently had roof repairs or a roof replacement on your home, and now have a leaky roof, contact the roofing company you worked with or give us a call. Residential Roofing Depot offers free roof inspections! If you think you need repair done, call us today. We can check for any damage that could have happened from previous roofing services.

What to Do When Your Roof Leaks

Wondering what to do when your roof is leaking? There are a few steps you can take to get started. Once you notice the leak, you should act as quickly as possible to clear and contain the water. The sooner you take these steps, the sooner you can repair the leak. Repairing the leak quickly means minimizing the damage.

Lakeland roof leak repairs

Clear the Area

To minimize damage from a roof leak, be sure to remove furniture and other valuables out of the area where the leak is. Close off the area so that no one in your home goes into the leak area. There could be mold or other issues in addition to the leak, so it’s important to stay clear of the area as much as possible.

Contain the Water

Do your best to contain the water. You can put down buckets or garbage cans or anything that can hold a lot of water. When they get full, be sure to dump them as far away from your home as possible. You may also need tarps and protective material over furniture or other valuables.

Call the Roofing Professionals

Call the professionals as soon as possible! The sooner you call them, the sooner they can come out and start the process of inspecting and repairing. Here are a few roofing services that you can expect from your roofing company once you call them about the leak.

Get a Roof Inspection

If you can’t determine where the roof is coming from, a roof inspection may be necessary before repairing the leak. Roof inspections can help your roofers determine the source or cause of the leak so that they are better equipped to repair it.

Upon inspection, your roofer will look for these causes and signs of a leaky roof:

  • Loose shingles, roofing or siding
  • Holes in your roof
  • Cracks in your shingles
  • Moisture damage and/or mold

Residential Roofing Company will come out to do a free roof inspection and provide an estimate on the cost of repair, if repairs are deemed necessary.

Repair the Leak

If you need repairs done to your roof because of a leak, it’s important to get them done as soon as possible. While repairs are costly, leaving damage unrepaired can cost you even more in the long run. Taking care of repairs now will be better for your wallet – and your roof – in the future.

With a typical roof repair, your roofing company can come to your home and repair the leak in just a matter of a few hours. However, if the leak is worse than initially thought, your roofing company will let you know. More extensive damage means more time spent on the repair.

Roof Replacement

In some situations, a leaky roof can turn into a situation where you actually end up needing a roof replacement. When your roofing company inspects your roof, they will look for the cause of the leak.

If there is damage that is irreparable, your roofers will likely recommend that you get a roof replacement. Simply repairing damage that has been deemed irreparable won’t take care of the real damage, and can end up costing more in the long run.

At Residential Roofing Depot, we will do everything we can to repair damage before we deem it irreparable.

professional roofing company

Work With a Professional Roofing Company

When you need roof repairs or inspections done on your home, it’s important to work with a credible, high quality roofing company. Working with a roofing company that gets the job done right the first time means you don’t have to worry about poor workmanship haunting you in the future.

But how do you know if they’re a high quality roofing company, or not? There are a few things you can look for. Do your research before you work with a roofing company!

Check their reviews

See what past clients have said about them. Seeing what others have to say about the roofing company will give you a really good idea of the kind of work they do.

Look at their website

Check out their website and project gallery to see quality of work. You may even be able to find a project that they’ve worked on that is similar to your own roof. This can give you an added peace of mind.

Roofing materials

Find out if the roofing company uses high quality roofing materials. You don’t want to have to pay for repairs later on because of low quality roofing materials.

By researching the roofing company, you’ll find things that you may not have known otherwise. This can help you determine which roofing company in Lakeland to use.

The Best Roofing Company in Lakeland

We are here and ready to help you after any hurricane or major storm that causes water leaks in and near Lakeland. We have years and years of experience repairing and replacing roofs with the highest quality of service and materials.

If you need roof repair or roof replacement done on your home, call Residential Roofing Depot today. It’s important to take care of any damage as soon as possible. Once we do an inspection on your roof and you choose us as your roofing company, we’ll be with you until well after your roof replacement is complete. If you ever have any questions during the process, we’re here to answer them for you.

Whether it is about the quality of the roofing material or the quality of the installation, we provide you with the best of the best. You can feel confident that our roofing technicians will carry out the entire project with utmost competence, skills and professionalism.

Residential Roofing Depot is the best roofing company in and near Lakeland, FL. Work with us for high quality roofing and service.

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One Response

  1. I appreciate that you explained how a roofing inspection could tell us more about why we have leaks in our house. Recently, my wife said that she found a leak around our kitchen, but we don’t know where it came from or how to fix it. We believe it’d be wise to consult with a roofing specialist to help us out, so we’ll look into hiring one this week. Thanks for the advice on roofing leaks and how to manage one.

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